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YouTube is an incredible opportunity to gain knowledge, information & insight, however if your watching videos crammed with information and tips its difficult to understand or follow the process & get the desired results you are after.
One fundamental at a time


YouTube is an incredible opportunity to gain knowledge, information & insight, however if your watching videos crammed with information and tips its difficult to understand or follow the process & get the desired results you are after. Imagine trying to cook a meal and instead of following a step by step process, tried & tested by an experienced chef, you go on YouTube & assess 10-15 different videos created by 10-15 different chefs, all having different perspectives, orders & ingredients, what would happen?

What if instead you followed a recipe that explained why it’s in the order it is in, it focused on one ingredient or in golf terms one fundamental at a time! Do you think you would get a different & more consistent result? That’s what the YourGolf philosophy of “one fundamental at a time” is all about, we believe that helping you understand how one fundamental can effect others allows you to build a strong foundation for your game.


For example if you grip the club incorrectly, like 9 out of 10 golfers do, it effects how the club hinges, unhinges & re-hinges, it effects the club face position at impact forcing you to manipulate your body motion to manipulate the fault! You end up with lots of faults that are effects or symptoms of more often then not a core fundamental being faulty, such as the grip. Most end up for instance trying to straighten a bent arm when for many the fault lies in the grip itself, causing players to end up chasing tips on YouTube rather than building a strong foundation built on learning, knowledge & logic.

At YourGolf have created a system that helps you learn, practice & play with confidence.

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